We are attending the
Newmarket Quilt Show

Any orders after 1pm Monday 24th February

Will be dispatched on Tuesday 4th / Wednesday 5th March

Basting Notions

13 Items
Callie Del Batting Tape 1in x 30 yards
Dritz Curved Basting Pins - Size 1
Dritz Curved Basting Pins - Size 1
Curved Basting Pins | Allary
Curved Basting Pins | Allary
Lite Sewable Tape | Heat n Bond
Lite Sewable Tape | Heat n Bond
Bo Nash Fuse-It Powder
Craft & Sewing Tape 1/4in x 11 1/3yds
Craft & Sewing Tape 1/4in x 11 1/3yds
Heat Press Batting Together 1.5'' x 15 yards
Heat Press Batting Together 1.5" x 15 yards
Kwik Klip Tool
Quilters Delight Safety Pin Covers 200pcs
Quilters Delight Safety Pin Covers 200pcs
Wonder Web Tape